Dodo's personal blog

RewoHub Part 3 - Shaping the pieces of something yet vague

Reimplementing a technical prototype, finding a sweet name and home for the project, and fantasizing about a bigger picture. All that in a week’s breath, let’s break it down.

I have a maximum of 1 hour a day to work on this side project. I need to be efficient. I saw I would need to write many boilerplate code when writing WebComponents with vanilla JS for my WebApp. WebComponents are usable in almost all of the mainstream frameworks like React or Angular. I choose Stencil.js because of the tooling. Rewriting plain JS Stencil.js was a joy. I find Typescript to be such a lovely language. I’m looking forward to the day when I need to utilize deno.

With this WebApp, I want to solve a problem I’ve described in a previous post. While trying to think about a fitting name and with a faint idea of a bigger picture of my endeavor I settled on the abbreviation ReWoHub. Remote Working Hub, allowing me to craft additional components and add them later. For the host, I’m going with Digital Ocean. I’ve recently listened to the Software Engineering Daily Podcast with Salman Parach. They’ve talked about AWS vs. Digital Ocean. Almost no configuration is required. Billing is straightforward. I like that. More time for working on the product.

I aim to have the first version up and running this weekend. It will be extremely limited, with no backend or database yet, only basic HTML, JS, and CSS. From there on we go into the next iteration. Let’s see how far things will come considering exams are starting again. Better prepare the good midnight oil.