RewoHub Part 5 - Easy does it
One hour a day in two weeks with one goal: a backend.
People checking out will find a barebone front-end-only web application. Last two weeks I worked to gift our little web app a backend to persist changes. To calm those who are baffled by the development speed or rather the lack of, a short reminder. I’m doing this product development with time resources of 1 hour a day at its maximum. Sometimes maybe even less.
Previous iteration I’ve learned about Deno as a backend alternative to Node.js or GoLang. Also, I’ve checked out GraphQL with MongoDB. I’ve worked with MongoDB in the past. Since I’m working test-driven, I’ve taken my sweet time. I know, not very indiehacker-like of me, but that’s my workstyle. The backend to create a new board, add or remove cards is completed. Requests to the backend need to be implemented into the frontend, which will be part of this week’s goal.
I want to ship as soon as possible but I know of some potential exploits. To avoid headaches I will severely limit the use of the board for now. There will likely be one public board to experiment with. If you are interested in having your very own board and give me feedback during development, simply PM me. I will gladly create something for you free of charge!
Let’s define the goals of the next iteration: Pushing the backend to production. Implementing GraphQL into the frontend. Having at least ONE public board with persistent cards/columns
I’m hyped for the weekend, especially since it looks like I’m going to have some extra time to work on