RewoHub Part 6 - Getting Hungry
Food and software are better when you add a bit of love to them.
I love scrambled eggs for breakfast. Cooking them not long enough gives them a bad texture and taste, same with too long. Getting it just right with a bit of salt and pepper and some nice black bread, yummy.
Software can be like scrambled eggs. I wanted to do a new release for RewoHub this iteration. I now see that would have been at least one iteration too early for the backend. I invested further time in creating some resolvers for the GraphQL backend. I’ve mocked away dependencies on the database. This enabled me to further test the Resolvers, lovely. At the end of the iteration, I hacked my first GraphQL query into the frontend, which was exhilarating. GraphQL is such an interesting piece of technology. It enables the frontend to precise query for data it needs, omitting not required properties of objects. This would need a bit of engineering magic in the backend usually but GraphQL takes the role of the wizard in this case and manages this for us, thanks GraphQL!
Keep in mind I’m working less than an hour per day on average. I’m currently in the process of moving, training the new puppy, and looking for a new job. I’m being generous to myself in adding at least two additional iterations to my planned release with persistent boards. This will result in 14 hours spent on the project. In that release, I want the following features.
- I want a general board where everybody can play around, test features, and try to destroy the app.
- I want private boards for people who want to beta test the application
- A board should be able to add up to 20 columns.
- Each column should be able to have up to 50 cards.
- Columns can have titles.
- Cards can be moved in a column and between columns.
A bigger portion of those features is already working locally. If possible I want to work on a continuous integration pipeline, using Github Workflows. I also want to add at least one E2E Test using Pupeteer. Adding another testing layer on the pyramid to the project.