Improving the Meeting app
It’s Sunday, I have my last cup of coffee as the day comes to an end. All goals achieved and more, what a great iteration 💪.
✅ Add username suggestions for calls.
The Meeting app from now on suggests users to call. The users are required to be with you in an organization.
✅ When calling someone and aborting the call, the user’s incoming call should also abort.
Incoming calls which are aborted by the callee will now also be aborted for the called user.
✅ When calling someone who can not receive calls right now, the calling user should be notified to call later.
You will be notified if a user can’t be called right now.
✅ Add Cookie Policy during signup.
Please accept our tasty 🍪 ‘s.
Next iteration I want to work off some technical dept. The focus won’t be on features for the next 2 weeks:
👉 Add cookie and privacy policy to the login page.
👉 Refactor
Till next time ✌️
Yours truly, Dodo