Dodo's personal blog

Ahoystack - Smooth sailing

Ahoy everyone, another iteration for Ahoystack, the easier onboarding SaaS comes to an end. This iteration did go smoothly ahead. Let’s see the results.


Go easy and go fast. Thought good old-fashioned gradient text logos are out? Maybe, but they are quick to do, and quickly validating our idea is key as indiehackers. So here is Ahoystacks logo for version 1.

Ahoystack Logo

✅ Display errors the same way on all pages.

This change introduces a more coherent way of displaying error messages across the application. There won’t be different styles for different error messages anymore.

Ahoystack Better Errors

✅ Add backend to track if a task was done yet

The last missing feature from the initial draft board was implemented. The state of individual onboarding is now tracked and is represented by a simple checkbox. This signals people ops, that the task was done by the hire.

State Tracking


👉 Send a notification email when onboarding is done. 👉 Add the possibility to add a name to an onboarding 👉 Add stipe for payments 👉 Find branding color schema 👉 Sign-in on press enter 👉 Refactoring some frontend request

This iteration concludes what I initially had in mind for Ahoystack. Now let’s make it bigger!

Till next time ✌️ Yours truly, Dodo