Dodo's personal blog

RewoHub - Integrating Paddle

Ahoy everyone and happy Monday. RewoHub’s 29th iteration comes to an end with another large milestone finished, the subscription system. In the middle of integrating Stripe for the payment system I’ve switched to use Paddle due to the insane tax regulartions of Europe. The integration was a bit more akward than Stripe’s but after a bit of tinkering I had it integrated. We are currently waiting to get the KYC approved from paddle for the production plans. Once they are done, I will send out an tweet.


✅ Add subscription limit of 6 months

Despite waiting for the KYC of paddle, subscriptions are now fully implemented. Oh what a happy day. The closer I’ve got to adding a payment option the higher my motivation to do marketing. We now have a simple, monthly reaccuring subscription system as opposed to the initial “buy each month extra”. The later one I wanted to add just for the MVP until a proper subscription system was in place. Well with Paddle it was way easier to have a subscription.

✅ Add info to the pricing page that you need to register first

New pricing page, yay! As you see there are now 3 tiers. Everyone starts with the free one.

✅ Refactor pricing page to load plans

Plans are now loaded from the backend, lovely!

✅ Create the initial plan with 10$ 15$ per month & 25 users, describe what’s included

After a bit of feedback I’ve set the price for RewoHub now to 15$ for 25 users and 150$ for a up to 250 users in an organisation.

✅ Add payment option via stripe paddle

Right after successfully integrating Stripe I’ve got a tip that the tax situation in Europe will be hell for me. So I would have to limit the countries able to subscribe to RewoHub. Paddle as an alternative to Stripe was suggested to me, as they already do the required taxes for you for a cut of the share. Since outsourcing issues is awesome, I’ve changed the payment system integration to Paddle. The subscription system came included, I love it when they give you batteries to your new toys ❤️.

✅ Send to top does not remove the existing item until reloading

A small but annoying bug, now fixed.

✅ Removing users from org, visually clears the whole list. A reload is required to see the other user again.

Shocked when removing one user from an organisation and the whole liste is gone? Altough only a visual bug it’s fixed now.


👉 Add a page to see ones subscriptions -> perhaps refactor payment page 👉 Add a way to cancel subscriptions on page 👉 Code cleanup in the frontend 👉 Hardening TURN server 👉 Handle subscription canceled events

After such a great iteration let’s have another one. I sure love this coding entrepreneur stuff.

Till next time ✌️.

Yours truly, Dodo